Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bienvenidos !

The Taxco Silver Blog begins .

Welcome ! Bienvenidos !

My vision for this website is to share some of the history of Taxco, Guerrero , Mexico as well as my personal history and experiences in this beautiful Colonial town . However the main focus will be on unique pieces of jewelry made in Taxco and the jewelry artists that I buy them from ....I hand pick each piece that you will see on this blog and then import them into the United States to share with interested parties ! You are welcome to contact me with questions you might have . Just make a comment on the blog with your questions and as I check back in I will answer the best that I can.

Taxco is located two and a half hours south of Mexico City . It is known as the silver capital of Mexico . It has an amazing history - So check back because I will be adding more specific info to this section over time .

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